Gay Phone Chat

Call 614-607-5050

Hook Up in Columbus

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How To

How to get connected?

Listen to personal greetings of the other PrideLineChat members and once you find the one you want to talk to, press 1 to go on live phone chat. Your personal information remains totally confidential here.

Sending PrideLineChat Message

If you want someone at PrideLineChat know that you are interested the best way to go about is to send a message. To send your personal message press 2 and follow the instructions.

Moving To The Next Personal Greeting

If the personal greeting of someone that you are listening to doesn't turn you on and if you don't want to listen to it fully but want to move on to the next guy, then all that you need to do is to press 3.

Manage Hot List / List of Favorites

Do you want to add new guys to your list of favorites? Do you want to remove someone from your favorites list? Press 4 to accomplish this task.

Listening to Local Greetings

Press 5 to listen to personal greetings from local guys.

Moving To Previous Personal Greeting

Press 6 to move to the previous personal greeting.

Want to block a caller?

If you are not interested in receiving calls from someone for whatever reasons you can block the caller by pressing 7. Personal greetings from the members that you have blocked will not be played to you. They will also not be able to send you any messages.

Find the location of the hot guy that is calling you

If you want to find out the exact location from where you have received a call, press 8.

Listening To Personal Greeting Again

If you want to listen to the personal greeting of someone that you have just heard, again then press 9.

Help Line

To reach the helpline press * or star.

To Exit

Press exit to exit the chat line menu.